Android Tutorials

Android Introduction
It is a mobile operating system that is based on a modified version of Linux. It was originally developed by a startup of the same name, Android, Inc. In 2005, as part of its strategy to enter the mobile space, Google purchased Android and took over its development work (as well as its development team).

Here I am using,

OS : Linux (Ubuntu 13.04)
Eclipse :  (Version 4.2.1)
Android API Level : 3 to 'n' as per need
Emulator API Level : It will be displayed in output image

All About Android

 Android Introduction

 OOPS Concepts In Android

 UI Controls In Android

 Layouts In Android

Composite In Android

 Transitions In Android

 Advanced In Android
   Android Request Focus.
   Android View.
   Android View Stub.
   Android TextureView.
   Android SurfaceView.
   Android NumberPicker.
   Android Zoom Button.
   Android Zoom Controls.
   Android AbsoluteLayout.

   Android Asynchronous Task. 
   Android Battery Indicator.

Database In Android
   Android SharedPreference.

   Android SQLite DB.
Sample Android Tasks For Beginners
  1. Custom ListView with Image and Text and Buttons Using BaseAdapter in Android.
  2. Arithmetic Operations Using Webview In Android
  3. How to play Audio Files in Android with a SeekBar feature and MediaPlayer class.
  4. Displaying Stored Categories And Corresponding Items In ExpandableListView In Android.
  5. Android WebView Using HTML.
  6. Creating 4 different Tween Animation effects In Android
  7. Android Action Bar Menu With DropDown List
  8. Audio Recording in .wav format in Android Programming 
  9. Android ListView using Volley
  10. Android Spinner using Volley
  11. AndroidTabLayout using Fragments
  12. Android based on JSON data show multiple markers in google map And HORIZONTAL RecyclerView example
  13. Android Base64 String Image And PDF
  14. Android Searchable Spinner
  15. Phone Contacts using Content Provider ,Content Resolver Class using recycleview with checkbox example 
  16. Android Intent from one application to another application using api volley
  17. Android Button to open Google Maps with Multiple Markers and listview item buttons with individual marker
  18. Android Grid View Using Volley API example F&P
  19. Android Money Exchange Example with volley API

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