Android Image ListView Using Dropbox As DataBase

Android Image ListView Using Dropbox As DataBase

Android Image ListView With Custom Adapter

Android Listview with image and Text::

Here i populated Listview with one ImageView and Three TextView using below layout file.

here when we have listview  with images then we download image one by one asyncronously in android.Then create bitmap from url and set it to imageview .so when you work with image then first read data from url byte by byte  and image have more bits that text so its take time to load in listview.

So when you need display image in listview in each row .then you have to use custom adapter for that ,and using your row layout you can inflate row and fill it in listview.

So First of all you have to create Thread or AsyncTask for read rss feeds from server.Then you can get image Url from rss using image url you can download each image in seperate thread or asynctask.after completion of download you can set image to imageview.

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